FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get friends?
If you become a fan of another user by clicking the star (full star = already fan) and they do the same for you, you will be considered friends.
Scam notice and warnings on messages, what are they?
These are notices that come up when a user sends a messages with suspicious phrases that could indicate they are trying to scam you. This is put in for educational and legal purposes. This does not affect accounts in any way. If you don't want to see them, click the words "click here" at the end of the message to hide them for a while.
How to get banned?
There are many ways to get banned, some of which include:
  • Asking for money or gifts from an account not marked with a $
  • Your profile information is fake or does not match your photo
  • Your location information is fake
  • You use the same IP as someone who gets banned (This is a risk of using a VPN)
  • Multiple accounts - 1 person 1 account
  • Contact information in your profile or journal
  • Using images that are not of you
  • Using images that are found in other locations on the internet
  • Using images that depict nudity
  • Anything generally consisered illegal
  • Message content our algorithms indicate are illegal in nature. Children, animals, etc. If these are your interests you're not welcome here.
  • Message content our algorithms indicate are signs of scammers. The algorithms don't appreciate being avoided. You are allowed to share contact information. It wont ban you for that. It will if it thinks you're purposefully trying to hide things.
Will a person know if I fan/star them?
If you click the little star on their profile page, you will appear on their fan page.
Safety Tips
• Don't meet someone for the first time alone, meet in a public place and bring a friend
• Make sure friends and family always know who you're with and where you are at all times
• Don't send anyone money for any reason, there are many scammers on the internet and we DON'T and can't check
• Have a safe word
Can I use people's profile information / photos for research, academic or professional purposes?
• NO! Information on this site is peoples personal and private information.
• You may NOT publish ANY of their information in any form anywhere.
• Please have respect for peoples privacy.
Is it safe to...
• Probably not, before doing any activity make sure you fully research it and consult a doctor if there is any possible health concern.
• Life is fragile and should be treated as such.
• We don't recommend or condone any practices, we are just a platform for people to hopefully discover other like minded people.
Is ____ a scammer or dangerous?
• Probably!
• If you're asking this question, there's a high probability they are!
• Never give money to other users
• Never meet with anyone alone
• Never meet with anyone in a non public space (McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks are nice and public choices)
• Make sure friends and family always know who you're with and where you are at all times
• Life is fragile, remember stranger danger and take all precautions to keep yourself safe
Why don't I choose my own password?
• For your own security we try to store as little of your personal information as possible
• Can you imagine if we got hacked and someone managed to reverse engineer your password, and that was used on other sites?
What's with the date format?
Each country has it's own date formats, so we decided to go with the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS standard using most-to-least-significant order.
This site doesn't work with JavaScript disabled?
Exactly, however we make our JS as unintrusive as we can.
I blocked someone, now I can't find them
You can see a list of people you blocked at /My/Blocked which can be found on your My Account page. You can unblock them from their message page.
How do you make money from this site?
I don't, it's a hobby site I made when a friend mentioned to me that they couldn't find any site like this after the others stopped working.
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